An authentic LaStone®treatment instantly connects one's soul with the blessings Mother Earth offers us daily; bringing warmth, cooling, vibrations and sound through the application of the stones to the body by honoring the breath and energies of the soul. Clients love the potent recharge they receive in the treatment; as they walk forth into the sacred stream of life; clients unanimously express the same feelings as they leave the treatment table. “I feel balanced. I feel cradled in Mother Earth's Energies. I feel renewed and reenergized.“
LaStone®Therapy is one of the fastest growing massage techniques in today's spas throughout USA and across international waters. Many people are seeking a connection to "Body-Mind-Soul" in their everyday life. LaStone®Therapy offers a peaceful way in which to return to ones true nature.
Basalt Stones is the primary stone in Lastone Therapy.
The type of basalt that is used in Lastone Therapy is modified igneous rock that is formed by volcanic and sedimentary action. Basalt is the most abundant of the volcanic rocks, especially
plentiful in those regions that have undergone volcanic disturbance within geologically recent times. Most present-day volcanoes erupt basaltic material. This type of basalt is usually made up of
polycrystalline olivine, an iron-magnesium silicate.
The long understood healing properties of basalt stones are stability and strength, clarity in difficult times, easing anger and promoting understanding in such situations. It has been said to enhance the reproductive system and increases fertility.
Petoskey Stones are also used. Petoskey rid ourselves of the negative energy and is said to have an effect on the third and seventh chakra.
Organic rock, such as Marble and Sardonyx, come from living organisms. They are formed directly or indirectly from materials that were once living and are made up of mostly calcite and limestone. Calcite is colorless or white when pure, but may be of almost any color with varying shades of red, pink, yellow, green, blue, lavender, black or brown, owing to the presence of diverse impurities or sugar veins. It may be transparent, translucent, or opaque. Its luster ranges from vitreous to dull. Many crystals, especially the colorless ones, are vitreous, whereas sugar veins are properly referred to as granular masses, especially those that are fine-grained, and tend to be dull.
Marble is used for protection; many altars are made of marble for this purpose. It is also said to aid in personal success and body fitness. It is common knowledge that marble is the stone of choice to adorn castles, churches or any building that is a place of honor and authority. Marble will assist in recalling your dreams and promotes mediation. In relationships, it supports common sense and matters of the heart.
Sardonyx is said to help with sleep, offering one a sense of protection, aiding in a deeper state of relaxation, so sleep comes easily to those who take this stone to bed with them. This stone balances both male and female polarities. It relieves stress and anxieties by enhancing this balance and self-control; it eliminates negative thinking, apathy, stress & neurological disorders, aids in detachment of unwanted relationships and inspires a sence of inner calm and serenity. Sardonyx is the stone of joy, self-control and wise decision-making. It is a very popular stone used in many rosaries and said to assist one in spiritual inspiration, concentration, devotion and protection against incantations and black sorcery.
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